SMSC is a key part of the learning and development of our children and community at Our Lady’s RC Primary School.
Spiritual Development
Spiritual Development is about expanding your experience of self and life – learning about whom you are and your connection to God. Teaching children that they are connected to God, and that He loves us no matter what, is fundamental to our faith and enables children to recognise that we are all God’s children and as such have been created as loving beings.
Moral Development
Morality is about our ability to learn the difference between right and wrong and understand how to make the right choices. Children’s experiences at home, the environment around them and their physical, cognitive, emotional and social skills influence their moral development. As a Catholic school we aim to focus on the dignity and worth of each person and a vision of a just, social world.
Social Development
Catholic education also promotes the development of critical skills and the integration of social issues into the learning process. To this end, learning includes a moral and ethical framework from which to discuss current social concerns such as world hunger, the interconnection between issues of justice and peace and the call to ministry in Jesus' name.
Cultural Development
Catholic education promotes an appreciation of the value and richness of a child’s own culture and that of the cultural diversity in Britain and beyond. It calls for an awareness that cultures, different from one's own, have their own special qualities and that the people of these cultures need to be met and understood as they are, not stereotyped.
How is SMSC taught at Our Ladys?
Religious Education
Children learn about beliefs, values and the concept of spirituality.
RE reflects on the significance of religious teaching in their own lives.
Develops respect for the right of others to hold beliefs different from their own.
Shows an understanding of the influence of religion on society.
Fosters appreciation and understanding of different cultures, religions and traditions.
Collective worship allows time for personal reflection and prayer.
Beyond the Curriculum
Student Leadership e.g. GIFT team, Caritas Ambassadors, School council, ECO team, Curriculum ambassadors, play leaders.
Whole school and key stage assemblies.
Our extensive Extra-Curricular Programme.
Taking part in charity work.
Links with other schools in our local network and BoSCEP.
School productions
Visitors in to school
Links with local places of worship.
Visit the curriculum pages to discover how SMSC is delivered across the remaining subjects.
There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.