This term, Reception class have begun learning all about minibeasts! We have been learning about life cycles, habitats and which minibeasts we have here at school! In order to find out which minibeasts live at Our Ladys, Reception Class went on a minibeast hunt! We looked in the gardens, under rocks, in the trees (where we spotted a cocoon) and in the Tree Trail. This term, Reception children will also have the opportunity to observe the life cycle of a caterpillar by hatching their own class butterflies, which is very exciting!
This term, Reception will be learning about numbers beyond 20 including number recognition, writing and sequencing, number bonds to 20, doubling and subitising to 20. In Reception this term we are also learning about 2D shapes and measuring.
This term in English, Reception is reading the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and have been very busy annotating the story to create their own versions which feature alternative animals, for example ‘The Very Hungry Giraffe’ or ‘The Very Hungry Ant’. The children have also enjoyed writing for pleasure and loved posting their letters in the post box!