Wow! What an incredible autumn term it’s been in Year 2!
Buckle up, because we’re taking you on a whirlwind tour of everything we’ve been up to – with a few giggles along the way!
We started the term by dusting off our history hats and stepping back in time to 1666, where we found ourselves in the midst of the Great Fire of London. After learning all about this historical inferno, we channelled our inner LS Lowrys to create stunning artwork capturing the chaos and drama of the time. Not stopping there, our DT skills came to the rescue as we designed and built fire engines to save those Londoners!

The highlight? We recreated Pudding Lane right here in Aspull, only to watch our very own Great Fire of Aspull unfold in spectacular fashion (don’t worry, our fire engines were on hand to save the day!). We wrapped up this fiery adventure with a trip to Rochdale Fire Ground, where we explored real-life sources from 1666 and decided we’d probably stick to the 21st century, thank you very much!

In PSHE, we celebrated World Mental Health Day by turning the school into a sea of yellow and talking about what makes healthy relationships so important. We then turned the volume way up with a visit from Rock Kidz, where we rocked out and learned all about respect – Year 2 has never looked so cool (or so loud!).

We also visited church to learn about baptism, which included a rather lively lesson where we baptised the baby and spotted all the important symbols we’ve been studying.

In Maths, we’ve been busy cracking the code of place value and mastering our 2, 5, and 10 times tables – the times table rock stars are well and truly shining bright in Year 2!
Over in English, we’ve loved polishing our grammar skills and getting creative with our writing. Our favourite? Crafting step-by-step instructions for how to get Rudolph ready for Christmas Eve. (Spoiler: Rudolph is now in top-notch flying shape and ready to deliver presents galore!)
It’s been a term full of laughter, learning, and a few surprises along the way. We can’t wait to see what adventures await us in the spring term!