This term, Year 6 have continued to work hard and have started delving back in time to the Ancient Maya. By the end of this topic, the children should be confident in understanding the key differences between the Maya and Britain today. They already are able to share differences between religions and have looked into the importance of the key cities in the Yucatan Peninsula.
We have been lucky enough this term to develop our road sense skills and work with the Bikeability team from Wigan Council. Each day, we brought our bikes into school and developed biking and safety skills. We then progressed to cycling on the roads through Aspull.
Not only have we been out cycling but we were lucky enough to have a mini-triathlon in school. We had to run, cycle and swim (out of the water) and use our team work skills to win. It was tough but we just managed to beat Miss Conroy and Miss Cunningham.
In English, we have been focusing on editing our work. As authors, we need to understand our first draft can be made even better. To help us, we worked at stations and focused on certain parts such as punctuation and then moved on to vocabulary. This helped us in further pieces of work and now we can edit in confidence.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our arithmetic knowledge and we are now able to calculate confidently with the four key written methods and can even manipulate this knowledge for fractions, decimals and percentages. Shape was our next learning stop, where we learned about angles – do you know the rule for working out how many degrees is in a regular polygon? We do, ask us! We’ve looked at circles, circumference and charts and feel we are confident mathematicians.