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Y5 Summer Update

Writer's picture: cbithell3cbithell3

Life in year 5 has moved on from the Ancient Greeks. This term, our topic has been the Vikings in which, our big question is ‘what did the Vikings conquer?’ We have been learning who the Vikings were, where they came from, and some of their kings and gods.


Our topic this term in maths has been decimals/fractions. We have been focusing on adding, subtracting, multiplying and diving decimals. We have been using concrete resources, place value charts, counters and dienes alongside pictorial images of place value charts to help us with understanding the values of the numbers. Lastly, we have moved onto more abstract questions with a big push on problem solving and reasoning questions.


In our writing this term, our genre has been a recount in which we are writing a diary entry on a Viking invasion of Lindisfarne. We have used Talk4Writing to underpin a WAGOLL diary entry and used a video clip to hook further learners on to the steps we will be writing about. Children have engaged in story mapping, planning, drafting and then editing their writing.


Our class read this term has been Viking Boy by Tony Bradman in which we have focused some reading skills/techniques on each chapter for children to understand and implement new vocabulary alongside skills such as show not tell, summarise, and authors impressions.


In DT this term, we have been researching, planning, designing and then testing a Viking longboat. This began with children researching information on Viking longboats and then beginning to design one themselves. We will then be moving onto creating this design using many DT skills such as measuring, cutting, and joining. Once these are complete, we will be testing our models to see if they are successful compared to our design brief.


In ICT this term, we have been looking at databases. We have used a new software called J2 launch and have created our very own databases such as mini-beasts, animals, insects and even football teams.

Topic – History/Geography

In our topic, we have been focusing on who, where and what did the Vikings doid. We have used geographical skills and looked at maps of Britain and Scandinavia understanding the journey the Vikings undertook. Alongside this, we have been learning some of the Vikings beliefs such as their religion, language, Gods and even transport.


In PE, we have had Latics coming in delivering fun and engaging lessons in which the focus has been on Orienteering. In addition, we have had extra sessions with an orienteering specialist called Pete Heyes. We have also had the chance to visit Sale Sharks training centre for the AO festival in which we performed very highly as a school in rugby.



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