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Y4 - Spring Update 2022

Writer's picture: cbithell3cbithell3

Topic - History

Our topic this term is The Romans. We are focussing on the question of: What did The Romans ever do for us?

We looked at where The Romans sat in our history timeline. Learning how the romans invaded our country and others has really inspired our writing. We are looking at the roman army, what they wore and their tactical advantages against other countries.


We have linked a lot of our learning from our history lessons to inspire our writing.

We have written instructions on how to be a gladiator champion. We innovated our Talk 4 Writing to help up.

We are now working on ‘A day in the life of a roman soldier’ diary entry. It is extremely eye opening to find out what is like and we are loving working on our reading skill of ‘In someone else’s shoes’. This is helping us to understand exactly what it was like.


This term we have been learning our written multiplication methods. We started by looking at efficient mental methods and are moving onto how we can use our concrete resources to show a 2 digit multiplied by a 1 digit number. We are also learning our column written methods too.

We are working really hard to learn our times tables. We dance to our SUPERMOVERS times tables songs and work on our fluency using Times Table Rock stars.


This term we are looking at States of Matter.

Our first experiment taught us that gas has a weight and we measured different fizzy pop whilst fizzy and once it had gone flat. We loved shaking the bottles to get rid of the carbon dioxide. We have also looked at how particles make up each state of matter and how they differ depending on whether it is a solid, liquid or gas.


We have linked our art to our history topic of The Romans and we are loving being archaeologist and uncovering roman mosaics. We have designed our Roman mosaic once we researched how they were used.


In computing we are looking at recording and editing sound. We are going to use this skills to create a podcast. We have looked at the skills we need to create a podcast and listened to popular podcasts to understand why they rank so high. We then started recording our own musical intro to hook our listeners in.



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