We began autumn term reading our class story of The Tear Thief. This book allowed us to explore our grammar targets for year 4 and also linked to our PSHE of ourselves and our emotions.
We used drama techniques such as thought tapping to help us understand the characters choices and their feelings.
We wrote to different characters in the books to express our emotions. We then went deeper and reflected on what tears are and why or when we cry. We discussed different scenarios and wrote a letter to different classes asking them to reflect on the different emotions that might make them cry.
We have used this first term to understand the place value of 4 digit numbers and how we can make numbers in lots of different ways.
We used many different concrete apparatus to help us understand this.
We learnt about our digestive system and how that starts with the teeth. We explored the different jobs the teeth have and why we have different types. We them learnt all the different organs in our digestive system and how our food moves through. We looked at what each organ does to the food.
Our class artist this year is Naata Nungurrayi and we looked at art through her techniques and completed pieces. We then designed and created an aboriginal art piece and used the stories and symbols used to help us create a reflective piece.