What a busy few weeks we have had! The children have been learning about a variety of aspects from our curriculum and have impressed all members of staff working with them.
We have been learning about the different features of a diary. We know that a diary tells the reader about something that has already happened so it is written in the past tense. We are reading The Stone Age Boy and writing a diary entry based on what is happening in the book. So far, we have used time adverbials, verbs and adjectives.
We have been working with numbers that have hundreds, tens and ones. This has included making the numbers, drawing the numbers as well as writing the numbers. We have also been rehearsing our timetables and re capping over our 2s, 5s and 10s. This has speeded up our times on times table rock stars.
Our Science topic this half term has been Rocks. So far, we have investigated which rocks are waterproof and learnt a new scientific word of ‘impermeable.’ Following on for this we investigated which rocks eroded in vinegar.
The Stone Age has been our topic this half term. We have explored Cave Art, weapons, jewellery and homes. Food for the Stone Age has been an interesting theme and we have discovered how Stone Age people were ‘hunters’ and ‘gatherers.’