Y5 - How did Aspull’s Working Life Change during the 1900s? Putting Aspull on the Map
In partnership with our local community, local community group One Together CiC were successful in securing funding for a heritage lottery project – Putting Aspull on the Mineral Map.
The project began with a local history walk with our Y5 children with a local historian, discovering what remains of our mining archaeology in Aspull.
The pupils visited Astley Mining Museum, explored a range of mining artefacts and learned about ‘owd hero’ the world’s longest serving miner who saved his workmates from disaster.
After school, we provided an additional enrichment opportunity for ten children to continue their learning. The sessions were held at our community ‘One House.’ They continued to look at a variety of fascinating mining artefacts; took part in some drama; investigated local miners who gave their lives in WW1 and even explored heritage through folk music and ceramic art workshops.
The pupils had an amazing time and finished off their learning at a celebration event at the One House for friends and where they showcased their learning. They even performed the song that they had learned with local singer/songwriter Corrie Shelley.
Y2 - Has Pudding Lane always looked the same? – The Great Fire of London
Our Y2 pupils have really enjoyed their work on the Great Fire of London. They learnt new things about what happened after The Great Fire of London and the changes that were made because of the blaze and how London is different today. They built their own London homes and then recreated the fire. The unit finished with a visit to Rochdale Fireground where they learned about how the fire would have been tackled then and the difference today. They saw many different fire engines and even slid down the pole.
Y4 - What did the Romans Ever do for Us?
In this unit the children learned about the Roman invasions of Britain, those who welcomed it and those who rebelled against it. The children learned about the attempted invasions of Julius Caesar in 55 BC and 54 BC before moving onto the successful invasion by Emperor Claudius. They will learn why the Roman army was so powerful and what life was like for a legionary living in a fort at Ribchester and Housteads on Hadrian’s wall. They will also discover who Boudicca was and why she rebelled against the Romans. Our children will learn reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire and the legacy left behind. The unit concludes with a visit to Ribchester where the pupils visit Lancashire’s only dedicated Roman antiquities museum. They will explore the fascinating ancient and Roman history of this picturesque village on the banks of the river Ribble. They will have access to multiple artefacts and sources which will strengthen their understanding of what Roman life was like under the reign of Emperor Claudius.