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P.E. Curriculum Information
Here at Aspull Our Lady’s, PE is recognised as an essential contributor to the development of the whole child. Therefore, our high quality PE programme aims to develop pupils’ physical competence, whilst contributing to their overall health and well-being, social and emotional understanding and general passion for learning. This is achieved by providing various opportunities to be creative, competitive and work collaboratively in a supportive environment where self-reflection and personal challenge are key. Through a broad and balanced curriculum, we intend that pupils from EYFS to Year 6 will become successful, confident and responsible citizens who value the importance of active lifestyles and develop as independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self-managers and effective participators.
In order to achieve these aims, every aspects of Our Lady’s Physical Education is underpinned by several, key values which encourage children to:
Be Ambitious by working hard and never give up on their goals.
Be Inspiring by setting a great example to others.
Be Connected by working well with others and in a team.
Be Fair by treating people equally and think of others.
Be Active by giving high energy within physical activities.
During lesson time, activities are planned so that they take pupils through progressive stages of learning by building up on their current ability and providing children of all abilities the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding at a level which is appropriate to them.
In order to create an environment in which pupils have the confidence to participate in PE and sport and are committed to making it a central part of their lives both in and out of school, we provide a wide range of enrichment activities which support and extend our curriculum.
Daily Mile
During the Autumn and Summer terms, all children are encouraged to participate in The Daily Mile – a national initiative which has been proven to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of children - either by joining us on the Key Stage Two playground from 8:30 am or completing their mile during the last 15 minutes of lunch. In order to enhance these sessions, we have also enjoyed participating in incentives such as the Daily Mile Destinations challenge which encouraged all our pupils to monitor their progress as we travel around the world.
Aspull’s inter-school challenges
Here at Our Lady’s, we recognise the importance of building strong links within the community and providing pupils with the opportunity to socialise with others beyond the school gates. Therefore, by working closely with local schools, we facilitate various opportunities throughout the academic year for children of all abilities to participate in a range of competitive and non-competitive events. These include annual Swimming Galas, Sports Days, Orienteering events and Cross Country Races as well as frequent netball and football friendlies.
Wigan School Games
As part of Wigan School Games, all children at Aspull Our Lady’s are given opportunities throughout the entire academic year to further extend their Physical Education, apply their skills, and experience new sporting activities within a range of settings and alongside pupils from right across the borough. In addition to competitive games such as football and rounders, events such as Boccia and Wiggle Dance Festival bring children together to celebrate personal achievements and embrace differences in ability, culture and faith.
Extra – curricular activities
Throughout the school year, organisations within the community such as Wigan Athletic, Wigan Warriors and Tri-Kidz support Our Lady’s in inspiring, motivating and engaging all learners in Physical Education by providing a range of free activities. This has included amazing opportunities to visit training venues, meet local sporting heroes, experience wrestling and interval training, and even play at the WAFC stadium during half time!
Ultimately, whilst at Aspull Our Lady’s, children develop a positive attitude towards Sport and physical activity which is measured through regular core task assessment, pupil voice and overall participation in extra-curricular activities. The work we do to ensure our pupils develop into well-rounded individuals who carry with them the skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning has been recognised by the Sainsbury’s School Games Mark and is reflected in pupil feedback:
“PE lesson’s always challenge me to try my hardest.”
“Competitions with other schools help me to develop my skills and become a better sportsperson.”
“I really look forward to the Daily Mile with Mrs Bithell because it wakes my brain up!”
“At sports events like the Gala, you become more of a team and learn how to work with children from different classes.”
SMSC in Physical Education
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development
Here at Aspull Our Lady’s RC Primary school we recognise the valuable and unique opportunity Physical Education provides to further our children’s SMSC development. In line with our school mission statement, “Learning and loving together; we grow with Jesus” and foundational core values, weekly PE lessons aim to:
Support children spiritually by encouraging them to develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. Though our well-balanced PE curriculum, pupils use their imagination and creativity to showcase a range of skills including teamwork, sportsmanship and self-reflection which we believe will allow them to progress their own spiritual understanding.
Provide opportunities for children to consider their moral understanding by teaching them about codes of conduct, etiquette and unwritten rules. Through participating in both competitive and non-competitive activities, children are given the opportunity to adopt leadership roles, respect differences in ability and share ideas in a supportive environment where they can learn to give reasoned views and appreciate the views of others. In doing so, our pupils may develop a deeper appreciation for the importance of laws, understand the consequences for their actions and develop a sense of justice.
Create a safe, yet suitably challenging space where both individuals and larger groups can explore and progress their social understanding. As well as reinforcing friendships and social mixing through involvement in inter and intra school competitions or clubs, lessons provide opportunities for pupils to cooperate with others from various religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, solve problems and practise conflict resolution techniques. Throughout their Physical Education, we want our children to develop and demonstrate the skills and attitudes which will allow them to participate fully and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
Enable all pupils to further their cultural development by promoting positive attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities. Fundamentally, this involves: discussing how culture effects what sports different nations excel at; exploring how cultural traditions can affect which sports men and women participate in; and learning games and dances from different traditions, as well as their own. In doing so, students are absorbed into different cultures from around the country, learn respect for their traditions and celebrate diversity within our local and global communities.
There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.

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