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Music Curriculum Information
The intention of the Music Curriculum at Our Lady’s is that children are taught to celebrate music and develop their talents whilst having fun. Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way children feel, think and act. It brings together intellect and feeling and enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. Music promotes children’s spiritual, moral social and cultural development. The learning of music develops an awareness and appreciation of musical traditions, from the past and present, in a variety of cultures and societies. This helps children understand themselves and relate to others, forging important links between the home, school and wider world. Our music curriculum develops children’s ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgements about musical quality. It encourages active involvement in different forms of music making both individual and communal and developing a sense of group identity and togetherness. It also increases self-discipline, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfilment. With the use of ‘Charanga’ we progress through the music curriculum objectives year on year to develop our children’s knowledge, skills and musical language which they can apply in later life.
What pupils say about Music at Our Lady’s
“You can make different sounds whilst not always playing instruments. I can explore music through dance and movement too.”
“Music comes in all shapes and sizes from drama to musical instruments. You can use music in every lesson.”
“I like that I can learn to play an instrument.”
“Music can be used to create a story. A joyful sounds can be used or a sad sound can be used to create atmosphere.”
Wider Opportunities
As well as weekly music lessons, the children in year 5 access Wider Opportunities. This is delivered by staff from the Wigan Music Service and is an opportunity for the children to learn an instrument. As a school, we have chosen for them to learn an instrument from the Brass family. Each child is measured so the perfect instrument for them is chosen. This children have weekly music lessons running throughout Autumn, Spring and Summer terms with a performance to their school peers and parents at the end of each term.
Musical opportunities
Children have additional opportunities to develop their understanding of skills in music. Extra-curricular activities are provided by teaching staff, peripatetic teachers and the Wigan Music Service. Outside musicians are invited to perform to the children to give them experience of live music. Apart from opportunities to record their work and perform for other classes across the school, other opportunities include:
Class assemblies which often have a range of music such as singing to accompany their performance
Performing arts is an after school club that is continued throughout the year. The children have a chance to perform different genres of drama and music is interlinked throughout. Each year the children complete two performances and sing at many opportunities throughout the school year.
Community Carol Concerts and Love Our Community Day which is a chance for us and local schools to get together and learn news that we sing together. It is often a celebration of Aspull.
Let’s Sing and Young Voices are a chance for children to see Music in action and get involved in an arena setting. The children love this experience and really put their al into learning the songs and actions.
Support from our feeder high school: St Joseph’s. Their specialised music teacher supports the teachers at Our Lady’s plan and deliver music lessons. He inspires the children with his musical ability to show how music lessons can lead to interests or jobs in later life.
RockKidz concert is a further inspiration for the children.
Peripatetic Music Lessons
To go alongside all the music that goes on at Our Lady’s, the children also have access to individual music lessons. Peripatetic instrumental lessons are available for years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Parents are asked to pay for the lessons termly and in doing so are committing themselves to these payments. These lessons include Cello, Keyboard, Guitar, violin, percussion and singing lessons. Within these lessons, the children gain the opportunity to perform annually in front of their peers and parents.
At Our Lady’s Primary School, in line with our curriculum intent, we have developed a foundation subject tracking system. It will capture our ongoing assessments of each child showing us how well our curriculum is being implemented as well as how our children are progressing through the curriculum and the impact it has on their learning. It will enable teachers to plan subsequent learning opportunities so that individual needs are met and children can make progress towards the end of year expectations. Judgements relating to end of year expectations will be made at the end of the academic year.
SMSC in Music
Spiritual – This aspect of the curriculum is encouraged through the experience and emotion of responding to performing, listening and composing music. We encourage our pupils to express their feelings verbally and in written form to improve their levels of articulacy. Where pupils are sensitive about expressing their feelings we nurture the confidence to do this by creating a supportive environment.
Moral – We encourage our pupils to engage in critical discussions of musical performances and dramas/presentations from other pupils, a range of known artists and also visiting professionals. Where there is a specific cultural or social reference that is explicit in the work examined we encourage pupils to reflect upon this. Where pupils present their own work we ensure fair and objective assessment and evaluation of their work.
Social – Pupils collaborate in group tasks where they take responsibility for their own learning outcomes and progress. We encourage the skills of independence, resilience and time management. Where they engage in group tasks we build a sense of unity which leads to them addressing their individual abilities and strengths and learning to build upon these collaboratively. Where they are required to express their feelings, pupils are encouraged to do this sensitively with an awareness of the needs of others. Through our programme of extra-curricular activities and clubs we ask pupils for ideas and allow to organise aspects of their performance.
Cultural – The resources and musical examples used across both Key Stages for our students encourage a respect and deep appreciation for cultures around the world that have contributed to the development of our current popular musical styles. This philosophy also underpins our selection of music for performance events whether they are informal or formal occasions. We encourage pupils to create their own music and to incorporate different musical influences in their own composition. We use a wide variety of instruments from around the world to enrich the cultural experiences of our pupils.
There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.
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