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History Curriculum Information
The intention of the History curriculum at Our Lady’s is that children are given opportunities to develop an interest in History through exciting and stimulating experiences. We have tailored our History curriculum to ensure that it is fully inclusive to all, and that all children from EYFS to Year 6 are taught skills and knowledge; appropriate for their year group, ensuring the progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and skills; and for the children to study life in the past.
Within these active lessons, children at Our Lady’s are exposed to new vocabulary and knowledge through skills that build upon what they have previously been taught. These skills give children opportunities to be independent when finding out new, historical information. This helps children to be confident when applying this knowledge in the wider world. The learning needs of individual pupils are addressed through careful scaffolding, skilful questioning and appropriate intervention, in order to provide the necessary support and challenge.
We have been able to work with other local schools to provide opportunities for whole schools projects and to develop the History curriculum we have in school.
What pupils say about History at Our Lady’s
I like history because it is very gruesome eg. World War 1.
I like that it makes you think what life would have been like to live in those times.
I learn more about each topic in each year group.
I like to visit museums and also to learn about the money they used before decimalisation.
Learning how they did things that we do now, but using simple tools.
I like going back in time, re-enacting the past.
I like knowing the authors an all the inventions.
Y6 have been learning about World War I and World War II. The children wrote messages to the fallen soldiers during the war and these have been taken by Belinda to be placed on the graves at Tyne Cot CWGC cemetery in Belgium. What a fantastic way to show our respect.
Involvement of Parents:
Share family history with your child, particularly your own memories of the people and places of your childhood. Encourage your parents and other relatives to talk with your child about family history.
Read with your child about people and events that have made a difference in the world and discuss the readings together.
Introduce your child to local community leaders and to national and world leaders (both current and those of the past) by means of newspapers, books, TV and the Internet.
Watch TV programs about important historical topics with your family and encourage discussion about the program as you watch. Look at library books on the same topic and learn more about it. See if the books and TV programs agree on significant issues and discuss any differences.
Make globes, maps and encyclopaedias (both print and online versions) available to your child and find ways to use them often. You can use a reference to Africa in your child’s favourite story as an opportunity to point out the continent on a globe. You can use the red, white and green stripes on a box of spaghetti to help them find Italy on a map and to learn more about its culture by looking it up in the encyclopaedia.
At Our Lady’s Primary School, in line with our curriculum intent, we have developed a foundation subject tracking system. It will capture our ongoing assessments of each child showing us how well our curriculum is being implemented as well as how our children are progressing through the curriculum and the impact it has on their learning. It will enable teachers to plan subsequent learning opportunities so that individual needs are met and children can make progress towards the end of year expectations. Judgements relating to end of year expectations will be made at the end of the academic year.
SMSC in Humanities
Humanities subjects are focused on people and their relationships and, therefore, we are well placed to contribute to students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education. In lessons, children are given the opportunity to either to consider the needs and experiences of others, or their own personal responses to events, problems and changes. Teachers encourage children to discuss and debate controversy within the classroom. We expect the study of Humanities subjects to affect positively the way students live their daily lives. We encourage the children to enquire, consider and question in lessons and beyond.
Spiritual development is encouraged regularly by providing pupils opportunities to appreciate intangible concepts. The idea of truth is central to all History lessons that use sources. Children show a willingness to reflect on past events.
Moral - Children have the opportunity to reflect on past events and how they shape the life in modern day England for example the impact of world wars. Older children use their investigation skills to offer judgement on moral dilemmas.
Social - Children have the opportunity to work within social situation and develop their understanding of democracy within lessons.
Cultural - Children understand the wide range of cultural influences such as when studying the question ‘What did the Greeks leave us?’ (Year 5), which can show children the ways in which it has influenced their own heritage.
There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.

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