Enrichment Clubs
Our Lady’s Enrichment Clubs
At Our Lady's we offer a full complement of after school club provision.
We also offer our Creative afterschool club (BASC) until 5:30 p.m., which includes a variety of activities. You can book your child onto both the Breakfast Club and After School Club, via ParentPay.
Examples of Enrichment Clubs
Cooking Club – Y5 & Y6 Children
Angela, our School Cook, will run a Cookery club for children in Y5 & Y6 until 4.30pm. The first session will be Thursday 16th November and the last session will be Thursday 7th December. Your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying at Afterschool Club. Places are limited to 9 children.
Warriors – Multi-sports - Reception Class
Warriors will run a Multi-sports club on Mondays for children in Reception class until 4.30pm. The first session will be on Monday 13th November and the last session will be Monday 4th December. If you wish your child to attend Multi-sports, there is a charge of £18.00 for all 4 sessions. This is payable on Parentpay and your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying at Afterschool Club. Places are limited to 20 children.
Lego Club – Y1 and Y2 Children
Miss Wright will run a Lego Club for children in Y1 and Y2 until 4:15pm on a Monday. The first session will be Monday 13th November and the last session will be Monday 4th December. Your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.15pm if not staying at Afterschool Club. Places are limited to 20 children.
Warriors – Ball Games Club Y3 & Y4 Children
Warriors will run a Multi-sports club on Fridays for children in Y3 & Y4 until 4.30pm. The first session will be on Friday 17th November and the last session will be Friday 8th December. If you wish your child to attend Multi-sports there is a charge of £18.00 for all 4 sessions. This is payable on Parentpay and your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying to Afterschool Club. Places are limited to 20 children.
MFL Club – Y3 and Y4 Children
Madame Mumum will run an MFL club on Tuesdays for children in Y3 & Y4 until 4.15pm. The club will cost £3 per session, so £12 for a block of 4 sessions. The first session will be Tuesday 14th November and the last session will be Tuesday 5th December. This is payable on Parentpay and your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.15pm if not staying at Afterschool Club. Places are limited to 30 children.
Warriors – Ball Games Club Y5 & Y6 Children
Warriors will run a Multi-sports club on Tuesday for children in Y5 & Y6 until 4.30pm. The first session will be on Tuesday 14th November and the last session will be Tuesday 5th December. If you wish your child to attend Multi-sports, there is a charge of £18.00 for all 4 sessions. This is payable on Parentpay and your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying to afterschool club. Places are limited to 20 children.
Choir Club – KS2 Children
Miss Cunningham will continue to run choir club for all KS2 children who have previously attended on a Thursday until 4:30pm. The first session will be Thursday 16th November and the last session will be Thursday 7th December. Your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying at Afterschool Club.
Eco & Laudato Si Club – Class Representatives
Eco Club will run for Eco Club Class representatives until 4.30pm. The first session will be Monday 13th November and the last session will be Monday 4th December. Your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying at Afterschool Club.
RRSA Club – Chosen representatives
Mrs Bithell will run our RRSA Club for Class representatives until 4.30pm. The first session will be Wednesday 15th November and the last session will be Wednesday 6th December. Your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying at Afterschool Club.
Art & Craft Club Y5 & Y6 Children
Miss Wallace will run a Craft club for children in Y5 & Y6 until 4.30pm. The first session will be Thursday 16th November and the last session will be Thursday 7th December. Your child will need to be collected promptly at 4.30pm if not staying at Afterschool Club. Places are limited to 20 children.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Our Lady's R.C. Primary School provides a wide range of extra-curricular clubs which take place before school, at lunch times and after school. Our clubs include a range of activities, from sport to wellbeing; to drama and languages. The choice of club can change termly and these will be advertised to parents accordingly.
We also offer an exciting variety of music lessons (instrumental) in piano, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, tenor horn, cornets, guitar, drumkit, cello and violin and these are delivered by music teachers from Wigan Music Service. Our Year 5 children also all learn a brass instrument throughout the school year.
Eco School
We are proud to be an Eco school and have been acredited with the ECO Green flag status for close to 20 years and are even in the Hall of Fame for the North West https://www.eco-schools.org.uk/inspiration/hall-of-fame/ .Each week, we have Eco meetings and conduct an array of activities throughout the school year liaising with many establishments such as 'Keeping Britain Tidy' and with our local community.