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Design and Technology
Design Technology Curriculum Information
At Our Lady’s RC Primary School, we strive to offer an engaging Design Technology curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Children will know more, remember more, understand more and apply newly found skills and knowledge.
We strive to offer a Design Technology curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum Programmes of study. This will enable us to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life.
What children say about Design Technology
(Pupil voice)
“I like how we are shown skills and then time to have a go ourselves.”
“There is nothing I don’t like about DT. I love it!”
“The only bad thing about DT is when the lesson ends.”
Dates for the Diary
Autumn Term 2022
This term we are launching an Engineering after school club as part of the ‘Putting the E back in STEM.’ During this club, children will be looking at how different objects work and how they can be put back together. As well as this, children will be thinking about how objects can be used for different purposes.
Autumn 1
Mr West will be working with Year3 and Year 5 to enhance our Design Technology curriculum. Children will be creating Stone Age shelters as well as creating Space rockets that can be seen from earth using Crumble (computer programming tool). We can’t wait to see the end products and test if they meet their specified brief.
Autumn 2
Mr West will be working with Year 4 and Year 1 to enhance our Design Technology curriculum. Children will be creating a night light for a child who is afraid of the dark as well as creating glasses and teeth for the character of Jim from Jim and the Beanstalk. This will involve using levers and sliders.
Spring 1
Mr West will be working with Year 2 and Year 6 to enhance our Design Technology curriculum. Children will be creating an air raid shelter with levers ad pullies to transport different pets as well as creating a healthy pizza and the packaging to protect this whilst in transportation.
Autumn term 2021
One Strong Voice
Children will be using CAD Coral Draw to produce different images. Children will design, make and evaluate their images before using them on their 3D Christmas cards.
29th June 2022
Inventors Day
Children will take part in a variety of workshops to explore inventors from the past. Children will then become inventors for the day and create a solution to some everyday problems. Dragon’s Den meets Our Lady’s Aspull!
Teachers assess children’s work in Design and Technology by making assessments as they observe them working during lessons. They record the progress that children make by assessing the children’s work against the learning objectives for their lessons. At the end of a unit of work, teachers record children’s attainment in a three column grid. The design and technology subject leader keeps evidence of the children’s work in a portfolio
SMSC development through Design Technology
The teaching of design and technology offers opportunities to support the social development of our children through the way we expect them to work with each other in lessons. Our groupings allow children to work together, and give them the chance to discuss their ideas and feelings about their own work and the work of others. Through their collaborative and co-operative work across a range of activities and experiences in design and technology, the children develop respect for the abilities of other children and a better understanding of themselves. They also develop a respect for the environment, for their own health and safety and for that of others. They develop their cultural awareness and understanding, and they learn to appreciate the value of differences and similarities. A variety of experiences teaches them to appreciate that all people are equally important, and that the needs of individuals are not the same as the needs of groups.
There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.

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