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Art & Design
Art and Design Curriculum Information
The intent of the curriculum is to give the children the freedom and opportunity to develop a range of art skills to produce a final piece to be proud of. We aim to have teachers regularly teaching Art in class throughout the year, giving children the opportunities to gain skills and knowledge of that subject. We aim to encourage children’s enthusiasm in Art by increasing the range of opportunity for children to engage in Art lessons that are stimulating and enriching. We implement this through regular and open lessons where children express and develop and have an opportunity for freedom whilst exploring a range of artists and styles. Throughout the curriculum, the children have an opportunity to show off their personalities and shine and blossom in their own unique way, this is celebrated throughout school.
What pupils say about Art and Design at Our Lady’s
'I really like Art because we used different drawing materials and learn new things about different artists’
'I like using different colours of paints and getting messy’
'I like colouring and painting and experimenting with colours’
Extra-curricular activities
In Key Stage One, the children have the opportunity to take part in weekly craft club sessions after school. Where they have the opportunities to explore a range of art skills such as; modelling, painting, sketching, collage and textiles. This club is well attended and enjoyed by all pupils.
Year three have the exciting opportunity of taking part in a dance festival performing and competing against other schools in the local area. This is celebrated by a performance in front of an audience attended by staff and parents.
The KS2 performing arts club is very popular with the children at Our Lady’s. This involves a weekly practice after school for the children to sing a range of different songs. The children take part in a community carol concert, which always has great success and have an new upcoming performances.
At Our Lady’s Primary School, in line with our curriculum intent, we have developed a foundation subject tracking system. It will capture our ongoing assessments of each child showing us how well our curriculum is being implemented as well as how our children are progressing through the curriculum and the impact it has on their learning. It will enable teachers to plan subsequent learning opportunities so that individual needs are met and children can make progress towards the end of year expectations. Judgements relating to end of year expectations will be made at the end of the academic year.
SMSC in Art
Spiritual - Through the study of art & design students are able to address issues associated with the meaning of life and nature of the human condition. They are able to explore ideas, feelings and meanings making personal sense of their own creative work. Research into the work of other artists enables students to place their own experience into the broader context, recognise and value the world of others and develop a sense of their own identity and worth.
Moral – Studying the work of artists, designers and other sources enables students to develop an understanding of the codes and conventions of their own and other times and cultures. Through discussions, critiques and presentations they are able to explore moral issues, make value judgements and express personal views. Through group work, discussion and school displays, students have the opportunity to share and value each other’s ideas.
Social – The study of art and design provides opportunities for students to consider the roles and status of artists, within society and understand how social conditions and conventions can affect the nature of the work and influence their responses to it. The art curriculum provides students with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of past and contemporary issues by exploring this through theoretical and practical activities.
Cultural – Students explore the roles and achievements of artists, craftspeople and designers in both the past and contemporary society. They are taught to recognise how images and artefacts influence the way people think and feel and understand the ideas, beliefs and values behind their making, relating art, craft and design to its cultural context.
There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.
Title | Sub Title |
Art Curriculum - Key Skills & Knowledge | |
Art Curriculum - Policy | |
Art Curriculum - Y2 | Knowledge, vocabulary & skills |
Art Curriculum Overview |
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